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Caroline Zeng
Sep 2
An Award for the Greatest Benefit to Humankind
On November 27, 1895, Alfred Nobel signed his third and last will at the Swedish-Norwegian Club in Paris. When it was opened and read...
Emily Park
Aug 30
The Relative Universality of Human Rights
It is a Western-believed archetype that human rights are “universal” because as humans, we are endowed with rights to principles such as...
Emily Park
Aug 30
Human Rights as an Issue in World Politics
There is a global, wide spread struggle for human rights with a reported 60% of nations and 40% of the world’s population systematically...
Beatrice Washburn
Aug 29
The Silenced Generation: The Impact of McCarthyism on American Public Life in the 1950s
In February 1950, at the Ohio County Women’s Republican Club, a first-time senator from Wisconsin took the stage. Claiming to have a list...
Emily Park
Jul 31
The Scramble for Africa: How Africans Fought Back
Emily Park During the late 1800s in what is known as the “Scramble for Africa”, Europeans journeyed to Africa with the goal of nation...
Kevin Cheng
Jul 31
La Malinche in Hernan Cortes’ Conquests
La Malinche was a translator for the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortes, serving a vital role in the survival of his expedition. The...
Eric Liu
Jul 27
Power, Deception, and International Failure: The Iran-Contra Scandal
The Iran-Contra affair is one of the most significant scandals in modern American political history. At its core, the scandal revolves...
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